Before Everything

Many years ago before everything, and by everything I mean a forever changing world, I would walk in the late evenings alone with her at the orphanage. What I remember most about her was her soft gentle voice and her porcelain skin. I remember her humble home and how she would always fix her own dinner, and how you could stand on her front step and she would greet you with the same respect as senators and presidents. She was my idol and a mentor, but mostly a friend. What she has done for elephants in her lifetime is profound. My heart is certainly broken today and is with her family and the keepers who knew her in the same way. I think I will always feel her presence she was an incredible human. I hope we all honor her by waking up every day and be the very best we can be, and continue to fight for conservation and dignity for all humans and animals on this planet. 🐘

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